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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm sure this will reek of compost after I get through with it.

Thanks for coming and seeing another piece of my cyberspace...yes, cyberspace is mine.

Normally, I find interesting things to say, but according to a recent unsober conversation with one 'snooty' English Chick, I'm an 'ignorant American'. How about that? Hey momma, I'm ignant! *tard-claps*

How did she make this conclusion?

Hm, if memory serves, she started a conversation about World Politics (speaking of Compost!) and I brushed her off like I would with anyone that wanted to talk about shit I find to be completely unimportant.

Before I continue, I should explain some things about my political history...

I lost interested with Politics at a relatively early age...I'd say sometime after I found out that my father voted 'Republican' for the sole reason that he registered as one (thanks Pa!). To give you an idea how long ago this was, the last time I voted, Clinton won for the first time. I'd love to calculate that year for you, but honestly, it's all a freaking blur to me.

*clears his throat* Well, back to the story...

So, said English chick finds out why I turn a blind eye to the world, and proceeds to tell me how typical it is for an American to be as arrogant and selfish as I had demonstrated. I'm always down for a battle of words, especially when I know I can win (let's face it, who wants to get their ego deflated?), so I rolled up my sleeves and prepared for a fight. Given the amount of drinks I had that evening, the specific words we exchanged were lost to history, but I can summarize her audacity.

The whole conversation revolved around why I didn't care about the rest of the world like (as she explains) I should. Since I had kids, I've had this ever dwindling interest in the things 'out of my control' in the world. It's survival instinct and my kids are, in fact, more interesting to me than anything else going on in the world.

Frankly, with all the bullshit that goes on in the world, I'm happy to ignore it all. Occasionally, I get a friend or two that sends me an article about an event they believe I should know about and humor them. Usually, it's a very keen reminder as to why I continue to promote my own ignorance. What great friends I have! *wink*

The conversation finally ended when her very tolerant husband popped in and introduced himself. To my suprise, her attitude totally changed when said hubby approached...almost like she would've gotten in trouble if he found out she was badgering me. This once-bitchy foreigner now stood beside me with her arm in mine as if she'd known me for decades. The look of contempt on my face proved to be enough for her husband to speak up.

'Has she been bothering you?' He asked, eyebrows arched in concern.

I looked at her for a moment, deliberately moved my eyes to her feet, then to her face, and replied with a very smug look, 'No, I don't think that's possible'.

I figured my reply was effective in doing two things: scoring favor with the shrew I just got done arguing with, and I effectively let her know that she didn't get to me. I win both ways...isn't that great? that I'm finished rambling, I'd like to thank you for stopping by to smell the..uh..compost.


Blogger Sam said...

I have come. I have seen. I will send others your way. ---But only if you fix the typo in your header. S-E-P-A-R-A-T-E. Why am I so anal about that word? Because I have to look it up every fucking time I use it. Because I don't want to spell it with two A's. So I force my stupidity/analitude on you. Fix word. I send peeps to you. I force them to read and enjoy.

Love You Long Time,


10:54 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

*mutters* Ironically, I constantly misspell the word 'religion' as well.

*pauses and inspects it*

It still looks wrong. shall be done hun.

5:43 AM  

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