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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Swallow isn't just a bird species.

Sometimes my job wears my patience very thin...and today is definitely not an exception.

How would you like to work in an environment where you're expected to be 'the authority' on something that you haven't received anything resembling formal training on a daily basis? Well, that's also part of my job. As much as I love the ego boost of 'being the Authority', it frustrates me to no end. No amount of bitching seems to change this about my department.

Understanding that we have set the standard for them to assume that we can handle everything they throw our way, I suppose I have no right to be annoyed about it...but I am.

Today, I was told that we're Supporting a new product that I've never heard of prior to be informed of it. This is typical of our Management Team that has the uncanny ability to whore us out to anyone that waves money our way. My boss looked at me straight-faced and said, 'This is what you get paid to do'. Well how-a-fucking-bout-that? I never realized my contract meant making the square peg fit into the triangular hole. What amazes me is that the individuals (Management) that are saying, 'Yeah, our guys can do that!' have no quark of an understanding of anything we do. It's apparent to us by now that they have an equal amount of sympathy, which sets my blood on fire when we see something like this.

Heeding my mother's words (of 'If you don't have anything nice to say...'), I have been sitting here fuming and smoldering over this since I arrived this morning. My coworkers have noticed that I am not my normal cheerful self and have even commented about how quiet I am today. Although I have not openly informed them of how furious I am about this, they all know that they need to avoid me when I am exceptionally quiet.

Could this be a sign that I need a new career? *shrugs* I excel at very few things and going back to College is something of a wet dream for me (without all the messy cleanup). In the mean time, I'll do as my manager suggested and 'suck it up' like a good little Support Whore.


Blogger Sam said...

Work sucks. It should be outlawed, along with stupid people breeding.

9:13 PM  
Blogger LD2 said...

Unfortunately, this is IT..

People always assumes that we can fix anything and everything and if it's broken - it's our fault.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

Well, atleast there's always 'pride in one's own work' that keeps me waking up every day (y'know, besides my two starving children) and going there for more abuse.

There are good days for sure, but sometimes the Bad ones really kick you in the genetalia.

Thanks for the input! =)

2:39 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

needs more posting...

8:15 PM  

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