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I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Writing when all you wanna do is whine...

has been something I reserved for my Livejournal, but I wont bore you with my gripes about things I've often found to be trivial when I looked at them later. This could be why I abandoned LJ like I do with everything I'd prefer not to look at every day and think, 'Hey, look what I did!'.

The 'Dark Stuff', I reserve for another time and place or perhaps lurking on a saved draft that will never ever be posted. Like any sentimental (emphasis on the 'mental') garbage, I have a hard time throwing it away forever.

Normally, when I'm in a sour mood, the people around me know it and often try to cheer me up. I guess it's a little disconcerting to see someone you know who is normally upbeat and positive down in the dumps. It requires energy to fake being in a decent mood so you don't have to fight off questions of people asking you what's wrong...but I just don't have that kind of energy today.

I'd talk about what's bothering me, but this isn't my livejournal and I think today, I'll spare you all the demons and hellfire boiling within me. Sure it's really unhealthy of me to keep it contained, but it's really for my own good. Once I go find a quiet place to go scream for a few hours, things will return to normal and I can go back to faking contentment.

Nothing nice to say...

Mom said it best even though I don't recall my mother every saying it to me directly. This was just something I think I knew when I was younger, but just didn't really adhere to it until I got humiliated enough to know when to keep my mouth shut. I think I was about 19 when I entered what I call the 'true' workforce. Before this age, I had no idea what it was to be quiet about something, especially when it might potentially get a laugh out of someone. Little did I know that others might not find it so amusing, nor did I even imagine the repercussions of what I said reflecting on my overall treatment. Let's just summarize my trample through the social mores by saying that I learned a lot about keeping my mouth shut while working at that job.

I should invent a device, maybe a transparent sound-proof bubble where you can put someone if they're being excessively nasty. When I say 'nasty', I don't mean they're disgusting in any way, I meant that they are like me today where I have nothing but mean things to say about everything. Like a portable 'time-out' device that you can use on Adults as an alternative to holding them down and doing raspberries on their stomachs. I'd call it the 'Bitch-in-a-bubble'...I'll make millions then I can buy all the love I need *cracks a smile*.


Blogger LD2 said...

Uhm, I'll comment about the work stuff later.

But, I really like LJ in the fact that things can be filtered out. I guess I'm just a filtered person or something - but filters are great for when you want to say something, just not have it public for all to see.

Maybe I'm just weird..

I also love the fact you could post comments from a comment.. damn, blogger needs to catch up a bit! (yeah, I still like my LJ).

3:05 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

You can put me in a bubble? Cool! I really need it today.

7:10 PM  

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