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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I'm an 'Ass'

I admit this as factual evidence when it comes to my internal personality. When I say 'internal' personality, I mean all the mean things that are swimming around in my head at any given moment of the day. I don't think of myself as a very mean person. I know right from wrong, but it doesn't necessarily mean that I completely agree with it.

Here's an example.

I tend to laugh at the most morbid moments. It's not because I am cruel or like to kick puppies, it's because I seem to find amusement in every aspect of life. I've shocked myself several times with this 'quirk' as I like to refer to it. Maybe I just use humor to help me cope with things I can't deal with normally? Probably.

Over the years, I've developed filters to prevent these thoughts from becoming public and thereby saving myself the embarrassment of having to dig myself out of trouble. I got myself into considerable trouble by saying what was on my mind at the time. Needless to say, I learned by the best means possible...experience!

Why bring this up now? Uhm...I wish I knew why I thought it important enough to share with the world. Don't hate, pro-create.


Blogger Utter Basketcase said...

HAHAHAHAHA I am soooo the same!!!

I like to take the piss out of even the most serious things, just for the sake of having a good laugh! :-) xx

5:18 PM  

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