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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

If I could only pose...

Here's my admission that I watched approximately 10 minutes of the new show Hulu has been whoring out to the world recently. Yes. I watched it and I'll tell you why I would rather do nothing than watch this program.
There's a laundry list of reasons why I was skeptical about watching it in the first place. Namely, it's already been done, and the first 7 minutes were about how this show differs from others before it. Really? A Reality TV program where there are cameras in every corner of the house? You mean they interviewed thousands of people and selected 5 to conduct this social experiment? No shit! That's never been done, ever!

Please...I think we all are familiar with MTV's Real World. I sat through a few episodes of this and at the time, Reality TV was still pretty new. The prospect of being watched 24/7 was intriguing because, hey, if we were there, we'd probably be amazed that anyone would want to watch us for that long...ever.

What killed it for me was when the cameras showed one girl getting a phone call about a photo shoot with some A-list (presumably) fashion company. Like, out of freaking nowhere, she gets a call from their E-Pimp, "Hey moody-skinny chick, we have a job for you, and all you had to do was sit in front of a camera for a few hours and look pouty. But make sure you act like you've got attitude, um, or else!" *CLICK* I think I'll check my Facebook page to see if the hottie I've been stalking for two decades is past her manageable drinking limit. I didn't really want to see any more of this show, and the fact that this is what the industry is sponsoring this, makes me question just how many people want to see this.

I'm definitely not your run-of-the-mill Television viewer. I need something to keep my attention whether it be witty retorts, or the dreamy red-head with the sassy attitude. In fact, I think I'm pretty easy to entertain. I like to look at beautiful women, and if they can act, all the better! There's more to keep me interested, but I'm a's pretty easy to get our attention. Keeping it, however, is another effort entirely.


Blogger Vi said...

It hasn't reached this part of the woods, never heard of it! Maybe that's a good thing.

7:23 AM  

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