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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The weekend was uneventful and relaxing...

all at the same time. Although it rained the whole freaking weekend, I enjoyed the presence of my children for a few days and got to cook for them. The boy seems to be an eating machine and my daughter is now classified as my personal Video Game Cheerleader (sans the pom-poms).

Their acclimation with the new roommates was interesting because I know neither one of them (my roommates that is..) have not been around children very often (since their own childhood). I was happily surprised to see that they all got along very well. The roomies are kind, generous, and have proven to me that they will all get along nicely for any future weekends.

I bought gifts for them while I was in JapanTown the week before. They were small tokens of my affection, but I put some thought into them. For the boy, I got him a T-Shirt with an obnoxious logo (very anime though)...for the little girl, I got her a kittycat backpack. I've never seen either one of those things and I figure my kids haven't either. Thankfully, they were both very pleased with their gifts. Go me!

Unfortunately, it rained all weekend, so we didn't really get a chance to explore the surroundings just yet. The kids definitely discussed how much swimming they're going to do when it's warm enough to do it. For them, they could go swimming all year around and it wouldn't phase them....can't say I blame them because I can still remember wanting to go do it all the time when I first learned.

All-together, I'd say the weekend was what I needed with them. Next week, I'll be sure to have a more clear plan of what we can do so we're not stuck in the house. Let's hope it doesn't rain the next time they come out.


Blogger Sam said...

You're lucky that your roommates are cool with your munchkins visiting. I'm glad you had such a good weekend with them. Miss ya,


6:52 PM  

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