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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Victums, Prey, and 'the Bash'
Lately, I've been witness to several instances of people who are either have perpetual bad luck, or they're constantly begging to become someone's victum.

There's been an email bouncing around this group I have recently joined (let's just call it the residents-and-friends-of-where-I-currently-reside group) whereas one member has been writing about her experiences in the last decade or so. I have no idea why the bully in me wanted to flame her for it. Maybe it's because I overheard her saying the same things at the 'bash' a few weeks ago. *shrugs*


Oh, I forgot to mention the 'Bash', didn't I? It's a weekend-long Annual Party that occurs at my current home. Think of a big nerd party (Big nerds included) with food and drinks of the non-alcoholic kind (there's kids around too) that lasts 3 days. All of those invited are friends of the family (that live here) and their friends. It's more like a mass hodge-podge of people all talking at once and crowded into rooms all across the house.

My daughter seems to have had a good time with all the other little girls running about, but I was borderline annoyed pretty much the entire weekend. Here's why (in no particular order):

  1. Other peoples' children - Have some fucking control over your demon-spawn and don't give me that 'don't-tell-me-how-to-parent' look when I catch your kid doing something he shouldn't be doing. You know your kid's a shithead~your fault, not mine! No wonder they responded so poorly to discipline!
  2. Nobody I really found very interesting - I was a bit of a stretch to expect to meet anyone remotely interesting, in fact, there were several times when I felt like I was back in my High School Drama Guild meetings.
  3. No Booze or Drugs - It's no coincidence that entertaining parties also include people under the influence of something. Seriously, I was the only one drinking at this party. I felt very out of place and the looks of contempt weren't very helpful. Clearly they were jealous!
  4. Have I mentioned that I don't deal well with undisciplined children? I had to eventually place a ban on all children under the age of 13 in my room so I didn't have to deal with ungrateful brats.

That's all I have to share about this event right now.


Blogger Trixie said...

Sounds like my idea of hell.

8:06 AM  

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