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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I know after my last post, you might be thinking that I'm like a penis in a world of open and eager vaginas, but contrary to that, I assure you that this is just my overwhelmed exposure to a new professional environment.

It's more like I'm the newest addition to a happy family.

Seriously, I feel like the newborn cog to a highly tuned machine and it's all I can do to suppress the giddy feeling I have to shriek the exclamation 'AWESOME' in 10 minute increments. That's how much I love my new job.

Although my new boss and I have butted heads on a few occasions, I feel that I was made to accomplish this position. It's so nice to wake up every day looking forward to what is in store for you (me). I haven't felt this good in several years about where I am (career-wise) and I want to tell the world how fucking great it feels.

I suppose it's partly due to the fact that I haven't found a job that can not only take advantage of what I currently know, but will also educate me in other facets of the industry. It's been a challenge to find a company that needs my specialized skills and fuel my desire to add the personal touch which I so desperately need to display.

As you probably already know, I absolutely love to give people 'warm fuzzies' for a living. In this day and age, it's rare to find people that are willing and able to provide this feeling. When you call a company for help, it's common to find some jackass that's just there to answer the phone; I fucking hate this as a consumer. Nothing is worse than dealing with a person that reads from a script and can barely relate to what you're going through.

In my current position, I'm one of the few that are available to solve your problem and make you feel like you're a king/queen. Is it worth it to have someone like this working for you? It sure as fucking hell is. I think, as people of the World, we deserve to feel like the person on the other end of the phone gives a shit about what you're going through. It's like cheap Psych-Therapy and I'm proud to say that I will make you feel like I will solve any problem you give me. That's just me and all I want is you to say 'thanks for doing this'. Is that such a hard reward to give?

Anyway, I love my fucking job and where I work is also a perk as far as I'm concerned. Be jealous, make me feel like I earned this fucking position. If you don't, oh well, I still feel this way without your support.

Could life get much better? Hell yes...but I'll take what I have now and thank Karma for her generosity. Thanks Karma, I dont' care what other people say about you, you're 'Okay' in my book!


Blogger Trixie said...

That's great that you've FINALLY found the career for you!

Yep...well worth the wait, Karma helped you out in the end!

12:53 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

Sounds like things are going good. :)

12:56 PM  

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