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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Boy becoming a Young Man

I can still remember what it was like to be his age. It was awkward, incomprehensible, and downright agonizing to watch him go through it. He and I are so alike, I fear for him and what's coming; Adulthood.

How can I prepare him when I don't even have my act together? This is one of the nagging questions that keep me awake at night.

We both have social anxiety. It hasn't been stamped by a person with a PHD, but it doesn't take a Doctor to know that we share the same fears. Acceptance has always been something I both loathe and love. It drives me to get out of bed, shower, and sometimes shave. My social anxiety can be a burden, but I know I can't let it own me. Not this late in the game of life. I came to terms with it without even being aware of it, but my life and environment were quite different.

Having a Twin sister has always been a unique advantage. I always had someone to play with, grow up with, share friends, and that was how I somehow coped with being perpetually fearful of rejection. She would never reject me, and with that, she was my strength. One day I'll tell her how much it means to me and how I eventually grew to live with my anxieties.

My son, however, only has his sister, his mother, and me to be his friends. I blame myself for him not having friends because we moved around frequently, never giving him enough time to grow roots. Surely the blame can also be shared with his mother for not trying hard enough to motivate him to stay in a 'normal' class. Ultimately, the blame comes back to me because I watched it unfold.

Currently, the boy is enrolled in a class for fuck-ups. He's been in 'special needs' classes for 5+ years because of his social anxiety. He's a classic introvert, much like me, only a Doctor stamped the 'Bi-polar' label on him. I can't say I have much faith in the diagnosis, or any Mental Illness categorization for that matter. That reason behind my lack of faith is reserved for another post entirely for me to air to the world. Be patient, the post will be hard to write and even harder to hit 'publish'.

They have him in a class that consists of bullies, future thugs, and social outcasts. He's there because the Educational System is not prepared to accommodate to the individual student. Not a single minute goes by without someone in his class (of 7) dropping the 'N-Bomb'*1 or the 'F-Bomb'*2, and I can't stand by to let this happen any more.

I've only been to his class a handful of times (to see how his class operates), and frankly, it paints a disturbing trend of how our society is slowly unwinding itself. Maybe I'm being a little pessimistic, but to see how much the kids are in control now has been a hard pill to swallow. Educators can't lay a hand on students for any reason (without severe punishment), students aren't required to shower any longer after PE (Physical Education) because of Sexual Harassment, and I saw the Principal recently cleaning off tables in the Lunchroom. The fucking Principal of the school! Apparently budget cut-backs have been more ruthless than I ever imagined, they can't even afford a full-time Janitor!

So, now comes time for me to do something about this. I've got nothing but time right now. Losing my job is now starting to turn out to be a good thing, especially considering how miserable it made me feel.

I'm done whining about this now.

*1 - 'Nigger'
*2 - 'Fuck' and all forms of usage


Blogger Vi said...

I went to 6 differnt schools in two different towns in my school life, and I still made friends (even though none I kept in contact for) and I came out ok, and thats because of my genetics more than the moving around, so dont blame yourself (or the ex) for that, it sounds more like it's in yours and his genes and you just have to help him out the best you can x (which of course, isn't your fault either!)

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change Schools cous'. That shouldn't be happening. It might just be that I don't know how it is because I am in an elementary school, but no self-respecting teacher would allow that to be happening. I get kids with all kinds of families, problems, genetics, disturbances, abilities and frankly none of it matters. We teach children not subjects. It's darn hard, but their self-esteem should be number one. Sometimes kids push us to our limits and we just have to do the best we can, but then hope and pray they find a teacher or two that can help them.
To me that seems like a teacher that stopped trying. There is always something you can do.

Switch schools if you can. Give him a fresh start. Or find a magnet school that focuses on something he's interested in. Does he have an IEP? Why was he placed in that class? Grades? Behavior?

Also, see if his school district offers classes for social anxiety or other subjects that you all could use some support in. In Utah, the district offers them for free and it might be the same in your area. Maybe being in a support group could help too.

Love ya. You're awesome for not giving up on him.

7:51 AM  
Blogger thanida said...

A great explanation as always. It will help a lot of people ,Thank you for sharing this such a great article!

11:45 PM  
Blogger คนสวย2019 said...

ร้อยไหมปรับรูปหน้า ปรับรูปหน้าที่ไหไนดี ร้อยไหมที่แหน่งใด

ดี? กังนัมสถานพยาบาล


คำตอบไม่ว่าจะเป็น ร้อยไหมหน้าเรียว เป็นวีไลน์แบบประเทศเกาหลี





ลดอายุ หน้าเด็ก ไม่เจ็บ ไม่บอบช้ำ

ไม่บวม หน้าเป็นวีเชฟ ลดเหนียง เหนียงกระชับสมปรารถนา

ร้อยไหม pantip
ร้อยไหม กังนัม

12:06 AM  
Blogger คนสวย2019 said...

สารเติมเต็มผิวหรือที่เรียกทางการแพทย์ว่า เดอร์มอล ฟิลเลอร์ คือ สารไฮยารูโรนิก แอชิด หรือ HA เป็นสารที่รับรองมาตรฐานความปลอดภัยทั่วโลกแล้ว เป็นสารสกัดจากธรรมชาติที่มีองค์ประกอบของคลอลาเจน มีโครงสร้างประกอบกันเป็นร่างแหด้วยวิธีการทางเคมี ซึ่งมีอยู่แล้วในเซลล์ผิว มีความปลอดภัยสูง

1:52 AM  

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