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I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

'Oh yeah...this is what I used to do before Gaming...'

I found myself saying that when the source of my social interaction failed to work all yesterday. Yes, I was nerd without a home for the majority of the day yesterday due to some upgrades being made to my habit/hobby/addiction. It happens every time they release a patch and this one was one of the buggiest yet. There's also been a nasty rumor that Blizzard oversold their limited bandwidth and as a result of this, the latency on the realm servers makes the game nearly unplayable (we still play it, we just complain about the 'lag' more often). This rumor seems to be correct because everyone is having this problem.

Some Background...

For the last 5 years, I have been an online gaming addict. It started innocently enough but the pull was eye candy and the activity offered human interaction as well. For someone stuck in a flat farming town, this was what I needed to expand my social realm. This every day habit/hobby of mine has led me down a very dark path in my life, but it's also been something of a saving grace in the same way.

Yesee, I had no ambition to go out and meet people, nor did I care about anyone outside my own home. The gaming community got me talking to people again only to discover that I need human interaction in any form to survive life. On the other hand, it was so addictive, I found myself neglecting to pay any reasonable attention to my wife and kids~horrible, I know... I stopped beating myself up about it a while ago, but that's another story.

Back to what I did before gaming and why I can't watch TV for more than 30 minutes at a time...

So, as I was cursing the name of Blizzard and browsing various websites, I tried to remember what I did for entertainment before I had started my gaming habit. I used to be a TV addict before that and it used to be my source of entertainment.

An old roommate and I used to have shows we'd watch religiously and the ones that we couldn't see, we recorded them on Videotape. Melrose Place, Bev90210, and Friends were shows I had to have on a regular basis. I remember they were the source of entertainment for me during those times. I also remember doing other things including a lot of Console gaming and the visitation to specific Bars in the La Jolla region.

The habit formerly known as TV

Recently, I spent an evening at a close friends' house while they were watching their 'shows'. The shows they watched were full of stars I knew from previous sitcoms/dramas, but the situations were just the same as they were when I oogled over the eye candy. I could only take about 30 minutes of the TV, which is about how much time it usually takes for me to get bored and move onto something else.

Sorry TV, the internet has spoiled can't have me anymore unless you bring back Firefly (Serenity) and start airing BattleStar Galactica on nights I don't raid.


Blogger LD2 said...

What do you play again? What server? What side? You must be pretty freakin' high up if you do raids!

Yes, I'm being nosey because this is our biggest addiction. We used to play Alliance, but have been playing Horde. Horde seems easier, which seems a bit messed up.

We have quite a few friends in AZ who play (who we met on another game Day of Defeat - which rocked) we end up playing with them at night. Funny how addicting online gaming is, if it wasn't socially interacting..probably would be less addicting. -- and I'd get tired of being ganked all the time.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Firefly. Seen every episode. Saw the movie the first day it was out. I thought I would hate it but ended up loving it. *sigh* Wouldn't it be nice to have it back?

11:14 PM  
Blogger LD2 said...

Yes, it would be!! Hmm, doubt it though, and dangit - they made some character changes in the movie that I wasn't quite happy about (i.e. the pilot).

Maybe I'll go to ComicCon to see if they're talking/giving autographs!

11:51 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

You asked which server I play:

I play on Bonechewer for the Alliance. And considering I now have my 2nd level 60 toon, I'd say it's a good time I take a break.

11:53 AM  
Blogger LD2 said...

Whoa. I must just not play enough. I don't. I'm guilty. I doubt I'll ever get to lvl 60. I'm just not motivated...

but breaks are good :) Reminds you why you like the game later... (possibly)

6:28 PM  

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