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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sofa King Hot

The summer time is really not as bad as people say it is. Here in sunny California, we have pretty nice weather, even in the winter (if that's what you call it). This spoils the hell out of them because the weather tends to get really hot during the summer (as most places do). In a nutshell, I appreciate summer for the fact that all the ladies are wearing much less clothing.

I appreciate the female gender for having all those lovely skimpy outfits to cause accidents wherever they go. In fact, yesterday, I almost broke my neck from the double-take I made looking at this girl walking down the street. She had dancer's legs and all the right bumps in all the right places...I so wish I could've pulled over to the side of the road and tell her how many places I wanted to put my tongue (on her). Seeing her stroll by really broke my spirit though. It made me realize how badly I miss having a female in my life.

It's not just the sex I miss, it's the visually pleasing shape of their figures, the soft skin to kiss that always smells heavenly, the smile I get on my face when I think of her with me, writing poetry for her~all the shit I've been missing out on pretty much. I'm not really speaking of anyone in particular, just the proverbial 'her' I want in my life.

I hear people say all the time, 'I don't need a man/woman' in my life. Although it's quite true, I can't help but add the exception; 'I don't need one...but I want one'.


Lately, I can feel the walls building up around me once again. My life has gotten pretty complicated as of late, so I've started prepping my cave for hibernation. The first order is to create a visible 'Not getting laid' look to ward off any chance of female interest. In my case, I let my facial hair grow out, leave the man-smell at home, and I stay away from public exposure at all cost.

I've had to be very true to myself recently, and while I think I am capable of being in a relationship (or even dating), I still don't feel that I have a stable lifestyle. It's just not fair to expect a stable person (for a relationship) when I can't show the same responsibility. How can I justify getting involved when I barely have enough money to pay my rent/child support? This realization has pretty much wiped out all motivation to go out and get sex~yeah, that sucks, doesn't it?

Moving on...I think I've beaten that topic least for now.

When the lights go out in Queens

A close friend of mine tells me that the City of Queens has been without power for 3 days now. How fucking incredible is that? We live in the 21st century and this still happens?

So this dilemma made me think about this happening on a National level. How fucked would that be? Most perishables (you buy in a supermarket) will only last a day or two without refrigeration and I know I'd be fucked if we didn't have it. Maybe this is a sign of the times to come? One would think that our ability to generate power is virtually limitless, but the blackout in Queens tells me otherwise.

Hopefully they'll get some relief soon. I'd hate to think that my sexy friend will have to go another day or two without some electronics (unless she's got spare batteries I mean *smirk*).


Blogger Kelli said...

That would just be awful. I better go stock up on batteries. For my flashlight of course *smirk*

10:25 AM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

*grin* You're so naughty Anne. Go to my room immediatly for punishment.

8:03 AM  

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