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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Festering Axe-Wound

For the sake of anonymity, I will address this person as the 'Axe-wound'. In her case, she's completely deserving of this title. So how did I come to know of this person? Well, axewound is the ex-wife of a good friend of mine (let's call him JT) and she's a fucking cunt. Not the good kind~think of this as the low quality 70's porn kinda bush with horrible smells emitting from it. This is the kind of stank cunt bitch that deserves every bad thing that happens to her. I hate her for him when he has to share a child with her still. When I get an opportunity to speak with her, I will let her know how it feels to be burned alive with words.

To the Cunt:

Fear me you ignorant, self-righteous slut! I've heard you abuse my friend long enough and payback will be prolonged and painful until you've suffered through the same bullshit. I wish a world of pain upon you and the dipshit who calls your filthy hole a home. Who the fuck do you think you are trying to run other peoples' lives? You need a round-house kick to the cranium or two to wake you-the-fuck-up.

Every time you call, it's everything I can do to stop myself from grabbing the phone from him and reveal to you just how many people hate you. It's really hard to believe that such a beautiful kid came from such an evil bitch like you...seriously, I'm still trying to figure that one out.

Hearing all of this...

Makes me really appreciate the relationship I have with my ex-wife. I put up with my own shit from her, but hearing about JT's problems after divorce simply make my skin crawl. I can't help but feel really bad for his situation and how his daughter has already been effected by it. How could axewound do this to her own flesh and blood? This is what makes the situation all-the-more fucked up.

For JT's sake, I have to keep my mouth shut about it, so here is where I vent my frustrations and evil thoughts about making his life 1000% better. Pity the fools that make my friends' lives difficult!

Vent's over...I feel better.


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