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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mujer Hermosa and Nerd Tools

I'm a sucker for accents, I admit this. There's only a small handful of accents that don't make the hair stand up on my neck, but I'm here to talk about the sexy ones. There's a latina woman in my office (I've had wild sex fantasies about her in the past) and once in a while, I'll chat with her in the break room about our kids.

Today, she said I looked 'intellectual' and 'handsome' with my new glasses~quite a compliment from my lovely foreigner least for me it is. Hearing her talk reminded me of why I, not only enjoy watching her walk away from me, but I also enjoy her sexy accent. Maybe I can get her to say my name again before the day will end~*smirk* Have I mentioned how cool it is that you women can't read my mind?

Another accent that makes me purr are those East Coast variants. Yeah...weird, huh? I was shocked to find this out as well. It really doesn't matter if they're from Boston, Rhode Island, New York, or Jersey even...I just think they sound hot. I believe this is a sign I'm getting older because I used to think the accent made them sound like idiots. The men, yeah, it makes em sound like fucking twits...but if I hear a woman with that accent, I'm starting to think about nylon rope, a bed, and a blindfold (bring on the soft porn music).

Southern women have a special place in my heart and a reserved spot on my lap. I wont stereotype these women because they're vastly different depending on their region. There's subtle differences with how they talk and I'm almost at the point where I can identify them. Every one of them is sweet as sugar and I do my best to make them laugh because that's hot too. I'm such a phone whore!

All this talk of accents gave me a conclusion I really should've known or atleast been more aware of: Californian Women don't have accents because this is where I was raised and I'm so used to it now, they lack the same appeal as the ladies in the other states.

Moving on...Have I mentioned I'm starting my vacation today?

And finally, the Nerd tool of the day

Even though I took a collective 4 years of Spanish from High School to Junior College, I still get lost on specific words and how they're used in a sentence. Whenever I am stumped with a word, or don't know the spanish translation, I use Babel Fish, the coolest fucking nerd tool in the book (with maybe the exception of the Urban Dictionary) or maybe just the cliff notes (to Nerdity).

This tool has bridged the gap whenever I make a new friend and I've been told that it's almost 90% accurate~not bad for an online service that happens to still be free. Coincidently, the 'Babel Fish' is a fictional fish that was featured in the best book in the whole known Universe, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'. It was used to translate any spoken language if you shoved it in your ear. I wonder if it speaks Woman.


Blogger Kelli said...

You know..accents really get me too..on girls. Accents on guys arent nearly as much of a turn on. I dont really hear southern accents since apparently I have a pretty strong one..but a georgia accent is totally different than a texas one..

10:24 AM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

FYI, Texans seem to say 'y'all' more than any other specific region.

We work with the Radio Shack's Network Team and they're in the Dallas/Ft. Worth region. By the time I end a call with any of them, the redneck in me gets caught up in the y'alls and I just can't stop saying it!

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sitting here reading your blog from the start, excitng Saturday night huh? Being from the South, I must say I was flattered at your comment about Southern women. Of course I dont think I have an accent at all, but I have been told diffrently. And if you didnt say "ya'll", what would you say?

7:27 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

*laughs* It's my turn to be flattered by you reading the blog from start. Let me know when it gets to be interesting *wink*

I honestly wouldn't change a thing about the ya'lls~it just wouldn't be the same. <3

12:55 AM  

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