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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Long Weekend

..wasn't long enough for me. Even with the extra day, my time away from work just doesn't seem to be long enough. Size does matter in this case...the size of my weekend is very important.

Children becoming young adults

I realize I've mentioned this before, but I have the greatest kids in the world. I'm starting to see some of the hard work of being the disciplinarian pay off lately. My son, for example, has learned the value of being polite to people. He made sure to make eye contact with the waiter, as well as said please and thank you every time he brought something to the table. The waiter even stopped me to tell me how much he appreciated their behavior. The kid's got charm~I wonder who he got that from? There is no greater compliment than one about how well your kids least from where I'm standing.

The little girl is a stubborn thing to say the least. She has been pushing her limits with me as well as her mother. Lately, she's been outright ignoring me when she doesn't want to do something I ask.

'Hey Lex, can you please clean up your mess in the kitchen? I'd like it done during the next commercial' - a reasonable request in my opinion.

She didn't even look away from the TV when I started talking to her.

*clears his throat* 'I know you heard me...please look at me when I'm talking to you.'

No response from her...she's really trying hard to make it seem like she didn't hear me. I played a card my mother used on me oh-so-many times in the past~I turned off the TV, stood in front of her, arms crossed. Miss 'tude decides she's going to stage a formal protest in the form of mimicking my arms and proceeds to shut her eyes...wrong choice.

Fortunately for me, she's still light enough for me to carry her over my shoulder. Surprising, she didn't put up a fight, nor say a word when I moved her over to the chair in the other room.

'You can stay there until you're ready to clean up your mess. And next time I speak to you, I expect you to stop what you're doing and respond to me. ' Gawd, I'm starting to sound like my parents!

I've found the solitary chair to be very effective with her...didn't work for shit with the little boy, he was always much more challenging to punish. Thankfully, it really doesn't take her a long time before she softens up and becomes my precious darling once again.

Sure enough, about 10 minutes after planting her backside in that chair, she came to me with news of a clean kitchen and asked politely if she could go back to watching toons. She's going to be a dangerous kind of diplomat have all been forewarned!

At least it's Tuesday...

Yeah...that makes it 4 more days till my weekend starts again. Hope you all had a nice long weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice job on the discipline. Not many parents know how to handle situations like that I don't think. Or at least handle them correctly and in my opinion I think you did.

My parents used the solitary chair on me too and it worked wonders. Spanking just pissed me off to the point where I would just lock myself in my room for hours apparently.

As far as her ignoring you. I think I'd prefer that instead of whining and back talk. I guess both would be tough to deal with.


6:40 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

Uhm...and what would spanking you do for you at your current age?


8:52 PM  

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