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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wonton Soup and other forms of gratification

Lately, along with my reading binge, I have had the taste of Wonton Soup on my mind. The cute girls at the local Chinese food place have recognized me now as 'the guy who orders Wonton Soup' and I'm sure possibly 'The weird fella that flirts with them' whenever I walk through their doors.

It's true, I flirt with them, but only to see them smile in response. I'm a sucker for a girl with a smile, what can I say? Uhm...sorry?

Moving on....

Work's been especially difficult with the changes they've made recently. I'm wondering why they decided to remove the permissions for us to make even the most basic changes. The only nice thing about this is that we have to transfer people to other departments when they need these 'basics' changed. My explanation to them is a verbal shrug of my shoulders and wish them luck to get in touch with the phantom people who can help them.

I'm burned out today, which is why my goal is to do as much work as possible without doing any legitimate work. Surely I'm capable of doing this considering I see so many of my coworkers get away with it (on a daily basis). Now it's time for you to wish me luck.

Thankfully, after I 'clock out' here, I'm going to make my way to pick up the kids. I haven't seen my little girl for a few days, but have been told she's nearly made a full recovery. Thankfully, she's not contageous anymore, otherwise public transportation would've been interesting to say the least. I will be giving her a very long crushing hug when I see her...already warned her. I figured she'd spring back pretty quickly, and it's fortunate she did...Halloween would've been dull without having to take them both trick or treating.

On a more serious note, I have been soul-searching moreso now than I have in the past. Maybe it's because the dreaded Winter Holidays are just beyond the horizon? My aim was to make a list of things I believe I do well to better prepare myself for whenever I decide to take off my 'unavailable' tag.

My roommmate, Big V, made an observation that made sense to me, so I'm stickin with it until proven otherwise. He told me that I seem to be more effective when I'm improvising. To this day, I don't think I give my improvisational skills much credit even though I should. Relying on your own instincts can be very hard to do when they have failed in the past. Blind faith in my instincts, for that matter, is still a very hard pill to swallow even though I'm beginning to accept it for truth.

We'll see how that's worth a shot rather than sulking over past failures.

Anyway, I've wasted enough time avoiding work (at least for this hour). Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend!


Blogger Sizzle said...

have fun with your kids!

i always say "trust your gut" because it's when we don't listen to it that we get lost.

2:46 PM  

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