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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Monday, May 17, 2010

As you probably guessed by now, my recreational habits have been shelved since I have been jobless. To help things along, my body has decided to reject alcohol in the most annoying manner; by giving me major sinus congestion every time I have a drink or two. What's next oh-body-of-mine...? Maybe you'll reject Pot too? Please don't, or I will punch you in the face!

After some research on these symptoms, it seems that our buddy 'Al' is a natural Histamine. Who fucking knew? Well, me now, but it was still a shock to learn this after years of exercising my liver so vigorously.

It wasn't always like this, however, I did notice it much earlier in my history. It certainly wasn't as frequent as it is now which is the cause for my alarm. I mean, what changed? I'm definitely not drinking as much as I was when I had a steady income. As to what I'm drinking, that's pretty much the same as before; Vodka, Beer, Rum, sometimes Whiskey.

More research yields that all of these are made with different ingredients. Vodka being Grain alcohol, Beer mostly being made from Wheat, Rum which is made from Molasses. It's most definitely not a specific component, so yay for not having a wheat/grain/molasses allergy!

On the lighter side, I'm feeling pretty good without having so much to cloud up my brain. It really would be nice to get stoned once in a while, but I have to wait till I have a steady job.

So many things will change once I am finally back on the 'employed' status, I'm overwhelmed with the prospects. I'm now at the point where I'm not desperate, which definitely helps to keep me calm when it comes time to interview.

Speaking of interviews, I've had a few lately and made it through the initial 'weeding' process. This week, I'll be meeting with some people who run an Internet Radio company. Said company is, to put it lightly, supremely freaking awesome. They are definitely going places, and I don't even mind the significant cut in pay (from the last job) to work for them. I had a friend pass along my resume to the right people and it was enough to get me past the initial flood of applicants. I'm trying not to think about how daunting it is to get a job among so many applicants.

The phone interview with the Manager was short, but he invited me in for a face-to-face interview with his team, so I think it went well. I speculate that his team, which would ultimately be my peers, will have lots of questions for me and will play a large factor in their decision. I get along with pretty much everyone, so the interview is on my mind, but it's definitely not causing the stress one would think.

Hopefully I will be hearing from them by the end of the week, perhaps by the next week. I'm sure the world will know the decision, regardless of the outcome.


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