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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hallow's Eve

Last night, the kids and I suited up and wandered the neighborhood in search of the sweets. Considering how small then neighborhood is, I was shocked to see what one trip around the block generated. I think they both walked away from the night with enough candy to satisfy them until next year, all in about an hour and half of trick-or-treating.

Overall, I had a blast walking around with them in my own neighborhood. The only downer is that I still had to take them home (40 minute drive, one way) and drive back myself. It's worth it though...I can't miss out on stuff like this. I miss them so much and this only continues to reinforce this feeling of mine. Last night, before I left, I was so tempted to tell my exwife that I didn't want to live away from them anymore. I wouldn't even care if I had to live with her, as long as I would have them with me, it wouldn't matter. I doubt she'd be receptive to that idea and while I'm at it, I know there's no way I would get laid while I lived with her.

"Oh, meet my ex-wife, Heather. What? You don't want to fuck me anymore? Awww..poop."

She doesn't live with me and I still get this kind of reaction...but I'm not bitter.

Anyway, looks like another successful Halloween has come to pass and I still love being the designated parent to take them out. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Horny much?

Lately, my libido has been out of control and every woman that meets my standards ends up being subject to my over-active imagination. This one woman even went down on me in the Supply closet~sorry I got some in your hair sweetie, you can just tell them it's hair gel. And that one woman from Accounting? I had her bent over the fax machine the other morning. With a fistful of her hair, I whispered how much I appreciated that she smiled at me every time I passed by her desk. You don't even want to know the naughty scenario I have with the Company's Legal representation...she's got legs that I'd like to use as a belt.

So yeah, my sex drive is veering off the road, switching lanes without signaling, and ignoring signs to yield or even stop. Masturbating doesn't help either, not even to relieve some stress. It also doesn't help that I have roommates that stay up later than I do and whenever I hear them talking, I lose my concentration. Even working and WoW doesn't seem to curb my desire for lady meat.

All I can say is that I want sex. I'm not desperate, but I will be more actively persuing the ladies in order to find a woman/girl who wants the same thing. I know women like this are out there, I just have a hard time finding them in the immediate region.

So yeah, not much else going on but sex or lack thereof.


Blogger Ordinary Girl said...

Sweet that you get to do those halloween/kiddy things.

As for the grown up stuff... ie.being horny. Dammit but isnt't it annoying when your brain is on a sex loop!! And you're right, masturbating, at best, does nothing more than take the edge off!

Good luck with the search, I am sure there is some good action coming your way soon

11:59 AM  

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