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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Spotted the Ring

Today, as I walked by Sexy woman's desk, I caught sight of her ring finger. It was occupied by something pretty gaudy, but a sure sign that she's taken. I have yet to determine if this is a happy marriage, but it definitely changes some things, namely with how I have to approach her. After I gave it some thought, it seemed to make things simpler as well as granting some closure to my curiousity.

Holiday humbug

My sisters have been hounding me lately to give them my 'plans' for the month to come. Apparently, they're trying to plan holidays around the couples that have to share their children (I feel so included!) so everyone can meet up and have a lovely time. I didn't have the heart to tell either sis that I am indifferent to whom we spent the holidays with. It's not that I don't care about my's just that I don't like feeling obligated to do things that others want me to do. It's purely selfish, I admit this.

This brings me to the prospect that I only celebrate holidays for the sake of others. How depressing is that? I've lost my holiday spirit somewhere along the way. Maybe it's because I've always been dead broke during this time of year? I think that's the best explanation I have so far. In holidays past, my former woman would make these outrageous purchases and further plunge us further into debt. After a while, I just gave up, and perhaps that's where I went wrong...I stopped caring.

Anyway, I always manage to 'suck it up' and make my appearance, smile and all. I even manage to have a nice time despite the holiday humbug. Maybe some spiked eggnog would help?


Blogger always kris said...

I knew a guy once that said it was a sure sign his gf at the time was interested in someone else when she would all the sudden take an interest in working out. So? I wonder why my hubby works out every day?? I know its not so he can look better naked for me, that would mean I actually see him naked!

I am with ya on the holiday thing. I have decided to stay home this year and jsut cook for me and hub and kid. My mom is in an uproar. So now she is try to guilt me in to going with the rest of the fam. UGH!

10:20 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

I'm without my kids Christmas day. (First time ever!) But I get them back at 5pm that night and we've got a party to attend to with other 'single parents' and their brood. Means I get to spend Christmas day visiting numerous friends who've invited me around, so should be a good day (Always put a good spin on the bad!)

1:41 PM  
Blogger always kris said...

I DO love spiked eggnog!!!!!!!

5:28 PM  

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