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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Is it Friday already?

The weekend turned out to be enjoyable despite helping my ex and the kids move to another part of their city. It wasn't a long move, but I was occupied for most of the day with hard labor. I happened to see my brother-in-law and his wife while I was there. It occurred to me how long it's been since I've seen either of them~I'd say at least 4 years. They looked good, like time had treated them with some care. They said it was nice to see me too and seemed quite genuine about it.

Seeing them again reminded me that my relationship with my ex wasn't really that bad in comparison with others. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I could ever share a life with my ex-wife, but it's nice to say that you don't regret it (and mean it).

Now that the holiday times are over, I can feel the weight of it slowly disappating. It could be that I'm spending more time sleeping and less time recovering from hangovers, but that's just speculation.

CNN at work is bad for the digestion

Anyone whose known me for a while would be able to tell you that the last channel I'd ever watch (willingly) is the news channels. I specifically avoid the news channels for the following reasons:

- Valid content: Who knows for sure that any of the things they show are entirely true? It's a well-known fact that our Media is controlled by the Government. What they don't want us to know will not be known.

- Infotainment: I'm stealing this terminology because it's so fucking accurate. Would anyone watch the news if they talked about boring things?

- Advertisements: This is something I hate about all TV programs which is why DVR/Tivo is the greatest contribution to TV culture since the Sports Bra.

- Repetition: Just in case you missed everything they talked about in the last 30 minutes, we'll regurgitate it for you again all freaking day with different footage!

- It's depressing as hell: Ignorance is bliss...and now you know why I named this blog 'blogus ignoramus'. Is it odd to have pride in your own ignorance?

- Not enough nudity: This is self-explanitory. There are countries where the News crew strips while they speak...I would like to live there or at least get the news feed.

- Not enough swearing: Just entertaining would that be if you heard someone from the news say, 'Today, violence again struck the middle east...what a fucking surprise.'?

- Too Serious: I guess I just admitted that I like the 'Daily Show' and 'the Colbert Report'.

The reason I bring this up now is because my work has installed new network monitors in the form of 46" flat screens. Currently, they're showing CNN and the Weather Channel which, in my opinion, is a bad idea. Sure I could just 'look away' like I do with everything else, but it's still in my peripheral vision. *grumbles* Why can't they change it to the 'Nasa' Channel, or even the Cartoon network? Oh yeah, that's too much of a distraction...y'know, like blogging can be~*looks over his shoulder*


Blogger Vi said...

My god, your office sounds like my version of HELL being stuck in a room watching news and weather all day! I too avoid the news like the plague. If something major happens, I'll hear about it.

1:41 PM  
Blogger Mummy said...

We have sky news on all day, it gets upsetting, walk past the plasma and see glimpses of horrendous news.

I got digital tv recently, cos i felt i was MISSING out on the news ... !

6:54 PM  

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