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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Am I a bad parent because the Easter Bunny avoids my house?

Religion is something I haven't talked about much on this blog...or anywhere else for that matter. A quick summary of my religious history for those of you not in the immediate know:

- Parents raised us as Agnostic, but never scorned us for showing interest in going to church.
- In High School, my first girlfriend got me involved in a Pentacostal Church. Her parents actually said she couldn't date me unless I went to church with them twice a week. I went because I enjoyed how she looked when she got nekkid for me and I was totally infatuated with her.
- Several months later, said girlfriend went to a Church related camp and came back a completely different person. I guess I wasn't as close to God as she wanted. She broke my heart a few days after her return, which wasn't entirely a surprise to me. I didn't see any reason to continue wasting my time in a place that loved to quote 'Turn or Burn', so I never returned to said whack-job church.
- For several years afterwards, I was a rabid Christian hater and would take any opportunity to belittle anyone that told me they believed in Christianity. You could say I was bitter.
- Eventually, I just let it all go and these days, I have become indifferent to others' theologies.

Now that you've gotten a sense of my religious background, I'll explain why I brought this up. a holiday I have never really celebrated in the traditional sense. Easter Egg hunts and Family picnics were always associated with this Holiday, but you wouldn't find any of us near a church on that day. Eventually, we stopped celebrating that alltogether, which wasn't really a big deal to me or anyone else in my fam.

Later, when I had kids, we celebrated the Chocolate Bunny holiday every year until the separation. For the last 3 years, my exwife has given out sweets all neatly tucked in a wicker basket and fake grass. How seasonly!

This year is the first Easter I've had my kids with me as luck would have it and I'm having a dilemna on what I should do with them. Here's what I have so far:
  • Tell my kids that I don't celebrate meaningless Holidays
  • Possibly destroy my daughter's innocence by telling her that the Easter Bunny doesn't come to my house.
  • Suck it up and buy a basket for each of them (with money I don't have) with sweets.
  • Compromise with them and see if they would prefer Steak and Shrimp instead.
  • Cook bbq chicken and ask them how the Easter Bunny tastes.

Obviously I don't have many reasonable options, but I'm really tempted to just tell them that I don't celebrate it and just have a normal weekend.

What do you think I should do?


Blogger Eileen Dover said...

Umm, I don't do Santa or the Easter Bunny for religious reasons. I also detest anything to do with baskets and fake grass.

Can you do a compromise? Get a few small things?

3:21 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

I'll make their weekends special either way. They're cognisant and reasonable enough to understand the concept of compromise.

Methinks a trip to the used book store is in order (to flirt with sexy be-speckled clerk).

6:40 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

ok. buy the bunny stuff. and put carrots out the night before!

ok i'm drunk disreguard if you want, but ok.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Suck it up and celebrate Easter (the chocolate variety) with the kids. They will enjoy it, and that's the point. So there.

1:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'd say suck it up. you don't need to explain to them the religious connotations of Easter - and you don't need to do the whole basket thing either - a few $1 bags of eggs hidden around the house and a $2 bunny is an option I'd choose.

1:31 PM  
Blogger always kris said...

I love the idea of the bbq! *laughing*

Get them each a chocolate bunny and call it a day!

Whatever you do, have fun with your kids. Tha's the most important task.

9:05 AM  
Blogger Kat said...


How did the Easter bunnying go?

7:53 PM  
Blogger Mummy said...

man, this is exactly the conundrum i would have if i had kids ... id have prob gone down the cheap/avoidance route kale mentions ... what did you do? (either way, im sure they were both plsd to just spend the first easter in a while at Dad's)

12:10 AM  
Blogger Ordinary Girl said...

Damn! Who ate my comment?! I vaguely remember it was witty and amusing! (Then again, maybe that was just to me!)

2:30 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

Easter didn't happen at my house. The kids were sick and I had no means of getting them last weekend (no car = no transportation).

5:11 PM  
Blogger Lady in red said...

aww sorry your kids were ill.

easter was different in my house this year. We have never done the religeous bit but my ex always went over board buying them chocolae eggs. he would get them one each then on the sat rush out and buy more that had been reduced in price.

this year I didnt see the point. I dont want to encourage too much chocolate plus funds dont allow. I bought them each a box of maltesers for a £1 then my mother took me and 2 of my boys out for a lovely pub lunch. The others were out doing their own thing.

5:14 AM  

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