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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Timing seems to be a recurring theme

It is, at least for me, important to presume that timing is as important as the words you choose as it is the Oxygen we breathe. In a perfect world, my timing excels in every subject known to the Universe, but since we don't live in a perfect world, we'll have to settle for reality.

My timing with most things is pretty good. I tend to know when to throw in the punch line, and I also believe I know how much to embellish to give that feeling of anticipation before giving them what they want; some form of closure.

I like to think of it as a magic trick or a good story. If your finale is short and provides no closure, it doesn't matter if you spent your summers with Ernest Hemmingway; your audience will get up and leave.

So obviously there must be this middle ground which we must find, not by asking, but by feeling our way through it.

Now why would I go through the trouble of explaining all these variables without coming to the whole point of this post. Does there need to be a point? For my own benefit? Yes. For others? Well, that's up to you, but you know I eventually get to the point even if it's not what I intended it to be initially.

Back to my point and why I mention timing...

I feel that one of my biggest weak points in meeting women is how well I plan my timing. I either go way too fast, or I freak out and pull on the brakes when I think I went too fast. It's the main reason I failed at Sales. I simply suck at closing the deal. It's finding the middle-ground where I think I will be successful in meeting the right women.

Yes, I'm aware that my tendency to over-think situations, but I have to somehow get around this. How does one who over-thinks overcome this? I personally think this has to do with faith in ones' ability.

If someone knows of a way to shut-off this part of their brain, please tell me. This method should be patented (if it isn't already).


Blogger Kat said...

I just mentally smack myself and tell me to change trains of thought. It took a while, but I'm pretty good at it.

I should know this, but can't remember at the moment, are you a Taurus?

11:42 AM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

Leo here!

11:43 AM  

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