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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I'm still standing

Thank you Elton John for contributing to today's blog title. It really doesn't have anything to do with standing or remaining prone or erect or anything...not that I have any problems with remaining erect (unless alcohol is involved).

Today, I'm going to talk about waking up every day and getting out of bed to perform the tasks we must do to enjoy whatever lifestyles we maintain. It really takes a lot of discipline to keep doing this and not go nutty.

We have the weekends to thank for our breaks in our jobs, unless you're one of the fortunate people to not have to be bound by a schedule. Either way, if we were to be stuck doing our jobs or tasks every day, every hour, I bet more people would turn to drugs or other vices to escape.

This subject came up today while I was reflecting how long I've worked at this current job. I called myself a 'noob' (meaning still new at the job), and I was corrected by my partner in crime; 'Kitty'. She's quite effective at giving me a good slap of reality when I need it. Anyway, she corrected me by saying that I was not a 'noob' by now. It has, after all, been 7 months since I started this job. Although this doesn't exactly mean that I'm an expert, it does imply that I can't use the excuse that 'I'm new here' any longer.

And then I thought about how long it's been since I've taken a sick day. Have I ever taken a sick day here? Not thus far! I think this is quite an accomplishment considering how easy it was to justify calling in and giving myself a free day off (at my previous employer). I guess this is an improvement in my attitude as well as a reflection of how much different this job is than the last. I may be late every now and then, but I show up, I do my work, and sometimes I even go home late.

The wheels

Riding the bike has been quite theraputic for me thus far. Although I still need to get myself a light and probably a new bike, I have settled into the habit of the 6 mile ride to the BART. It sure as hell beats the 45 minute ride on a Bus and then another 45 minute trip home I would normally do on Public Transportation. There's a certain freedom in riding my bike instead of being trapped on a Bus. I like the freedom and believe that I will continue to travel this way even when I get my Automobile at a functional state.

My thighs and calves are looking quite robust, so the physical improvements are more than enough to encourage me to continue doing this. My legs haven't looked this good in years and I'm managing to make my jeans a tad more loose than normal. These are all positive steps to improving myself and it might even mean I'll get laid again. Yay for me.

Hearing from an old friend

Facebook has been quite reliable in keeping me in touch with people that I am fond of with maybe a few exceptions. It's also reminded me how many really awesome people that have touched my life thus far.

Another female friend from my past has recently made an appearance in Facebook and it's been really a treat talking to her again. I was pleasantly surprised to see how she has blossomed into womanhood like I knew she would. Have I really known this many wonderful girls in my lifetime? Given all the beautiful women I know now (inside and out), I can't help thinking that this the reward I get for being the nice guy..and no, I'm being serious here!

Sorry to cut this off so abruptly, but I ran out of things to talk about and I have to get ready for my ride home. Ciao!


Blogger Kat said...

I read the whole thing, but now only remember the words laid and erect...

P.S. I don't believe in jinxes. ;)

6:10 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

You mean you missed the other dirty words in that post?


Hopefully you'll get some release soon although the build-up is definitely fun in itself!

6:30 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Lol. I can't believe I missed all those words!

5:25 AM  

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