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Monday, June 08, 2009

Kids are worth it
I'm stealing this from my pal Sizzle who has the 2nd coolest nephew in the world (I have 4 that take the first position by default, sorry Sizz!). It's the truth and I know this because I see it every time I spend time with my children. Even though they're basically both Teenagers, they are still my two favorite kids, ever.

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of being involved with my daughter's School event. They called it the 'Summer Solstice', but it was more like an excuse to raise funds for future events. It consisted of several booths containing games where people payed (with tickets) to play. They could win prize tickets which could then be turned in to get cheapie prizes. My initial thought; Not so impressed.

My Ex was with us and had been asked to run one of these game booths, so I decided to hang out since my daughter was busy mingling with her friends. It turned out that the booth the Ex was managing was pretty popular (the bean bag toss) and eventually, I got roped into participating in the running of the game booth. Contrary to my initial thoughts about it, I really enjoyed myself running that booth. It helps that I get along quite well with my Ex and pretty soon, our tent was swarming with eager young players.

It seriously warmed my heart to provide encouragement to each kid to step up for a try. To see their faces when they succeeded (even remotely) was a reward in itself. Sure there were a few shitheads to show up, but the majority of the kids were polite and quite well behaved. I had several lovely mommies to flirt with and, as always the case when I'm around lots of kids, a few new friends to help keep me company. My Ex tells me I'm a kid magnet, and I think she's right to some degree.

The proverbial icing on the cake was added by the arrival and frequent loitering of my daughter and her friend. It was so nice to have her hang out with me in spite of other fun things to do at the Carnival. The fact that she kept coming back was a good reminder that my little girl is still mine. My requirement for her, if she wanted more tickets, was that she pay me in hugs. I feel this was a good trade considering I held her for a while and whispered to her how much I loved her each time. You'd think it would get old for her, but she never once pushed me away or let go until I had my fill of her embrace. I will always know she loves me, but the hugs are a great reinforcement to that feeling.

Even as I write this weeks after the event, I have very fond memories of the good times we had that day. I never thought having kids would make me such a softy, but it's the truth. They both make me very happy and I can barely remember what it was like to not have them.

Unconditional love rules. That's all.


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