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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

"Out of sight...out of mind"

The latter half of that cliche' is one that is truly appropriate to my situation. Yes, indeed, that's the honest truth about my driving situation. It's really too overwelming to look at without the wincing...a lot. Yes...I'm out of my fucking mind to openly ignore my transportation problem. It's now a 'problem' because for every month I have it sitting somewhere, I have to continue paying someone to keep it there.

I'm considering just selling it and moving on with my life, but here's the other problem I've been ignoring for much longer: My financial situation... which would take several years for me to patch up making it that much harder for me to afford an acceptable vehicle.

It's safe to say that I excel in my skills of denial. I wish I was this good with my other skills.

And a special thanks to the coworker that directly asked me about my transportation situation. I thanked her and asked her to kick me in the nuts again. Dammit, why can't she just let me sit in my own filth? I can't be mad at her for asking, I don't think she knew it was an equally sore subject as my pending divorce (by pending, I mean that I'll eventually get one, but no, I haven't filled out any paperwork much less even thought about it).

Maybe I should think about getting these things fixed. Yeah.