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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Mammaries and Memories

It's a sad day for those of you that remember Mr. Wizard. He died the other day unfortunately. For the longest time, I wanted to be Mr. Wizard because of all the cool shit he knew how to do. Hell, he made Macguyver look like a reject Boyscout back in the day.

One of my most vivid memories of Mr. Wizard was when I was probably about 10-ish. I was at friend's house and we made it a habit to watch his show just before watching the 'Robotech' cartoon. This is the same friend that had parents who always seemed to be smoking something funny in the house when I came over. They also had a few plants on their roof~which didn't really seem all that unusual until I thought about it later.

The Graduate

My son just recently graduated from 5th grade and will be going into mainstream classes next year, so we decided to take him out to a local restaurant in celebration. He was really close with his Teacher and we know he's not happy about moving to another class, but hey, we gotta move on sometime. Anyway, we decided to invite his Teacher along who happens to be cute in a Lisa Loeb sorta way. She honored us with her presence that evening and I was hoping for a chance to get to know her (outside the classroom). Once my chance presented itself, I chit-chatted with her for about 15 minutes alone until my son re-appeared at the table.

The little shit, smug look and all, decided to bust his old man in the chops in front of his Teacher by saying to her, 'My dad likes you! He thinks you're cute and wants to ask you out!'. In that 8 seconds, he managed to make me turn 3 shades of red and it required every ounce of my patience not to put said boy in a chokehold. There was nothing I could do but sit there and turn red. I very much wanted to retaliate and tell him I knew about the girl he asked out earlier that day, but something stopped me...probably me wanting to set the right example for him.

The truth of the matter is that I did want to ask her out, but I really hadn't intended it to get blurted out so prematurely. Chalk it up to his innocence, chalk it up to his mischevious nature (no fucking clue where he gets that), chalk it up to ensure I will get even with him on this.

Fortunately for him, prior to her discovering that I liked her, I had already made up my mind about her. While I was getting to know her, I stumbled across more than a few 'deal-breakers' that made me think twice about asking her out on a date.

I still haven't decided how I'm going to bring this up to him. I was tempted to create a very vivid, emotionally scarring memory to ensure he doesn't sabotague anyone else's personal life again, but the wound is still fresh and I need time to cool off a bit. Perhaps I'll sit on it for a while until I can find a good example he can relate to.

Anyway, I'm ready for my friggen weekend to begin. Hope you all have an enjoyable Fri/Sat/Sun!


Blogger Vi said...



Reminds me when Jasmine's 8 year old girl told A that mummy wanted to dump him!!!

5:09 AM  
Blogger Ordinary Girl said...

Lol!! I'm so sorry to be chuckling at your misfortune, but this made me roar! How funny!! What did teacher say??

As for finding him an example... I wouldn't bother. It's just kids being kids, no need for a great moral lesson I wouldn't have thought.

Have to go and do some more laughing now...!

2:55 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

In retrospect, I can laugh about it, but at the time, it ranks pretty high in my scale of embarassing moments.

The teacher's response was expected, she verbalized how inappropriate that was, but didn't say anything that gave me the impression she was interested.

9:41 AM  
Blogger ArtfullyDodging said...

That's pretty funny. My friend's daughter always did stuff like that to him, but he thought it was amusing and it actually helped him get a date or two.

12:50 PM  
Blogger LD2 said...

On one hand, that's very funny.. and yet on the other.. I could find it so freakin' embarassing. Only a kid can do that and get away with it. ;) I'm not sure how you're going to broach that subject with your son, but I wish you lots o' luck. That's definately something to talk about, when to be subtle and when it's OK to joke or not... (or when to keep silent).

Anyways, hope you had a great Father's Day!

5:35 PM  

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