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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Mothers, Daughters, and Roller Coasters

The marriage finally came and went, but I have a plethora of good memories to keep from the very enjoyable weekend. Where to begin...*thinks*...I should probably start at the beginning.
Friday started out pretty nicely. I woke up bright and early (5am~dear gawd!) in order to make it to work before 6am. Although I couldn't take the day off, my boss kindly compromised with me to allow me to leave around Noon as long as I got in by 6am.

I forget just how much of a difference there is on the freeway when you leave around 5am. It was almost deserted on the freeway and I made it to work in about 20 minutes arriving 15 minutes early~Go me!

Anyway, work blew by that day and after a late meeting, I was out the door by 12:30. A little later than I had hoped, but I had enough time to pick up my little girl at school, get her stuff and then start our way down to Santa Cruz. The drive through the Bay wasn't so bad, in fact, I don't remember going under 70 until we started into the Santa Cruz mountains.

Eventually, we made it to our final destination~a campsite in the middle of a sea of Redwoods which is normally used to host kid summer camps. To say this place was beautiful would be an understatement. They had all the fun stuff kid camps have including a rope maze, swimming pool, horse enclosure, volleyball court, and poison oak! We stayed in a cozy cabin, as did others who were guests of the wedding~all of which were modestly decorated and equally proportionate.

I was very pleased with how well things went this weekend at the campsite. Not only was the wedding one of the best I've ever attended, but my little girl had a fantastic time frolicking with the other kids (also attending the wedding). I didn't invite the boy because he's 12 and basically wrinkled his nose when I mentioned 'wedding'. Kinda glad he didn't come...I would've had to entertain him while barely maintaining my own sobriety. Other than some drama created by the bride's mother, I think the whole weekend turned out to be quite memorable.

So after the wedding was all done, we spent the next day cleaning up the carnage of the post wedding reception. When things were all put back into place, it was time for check-out which left us looking for something to do before we went home. I followed some friends out to the coast and we found ourself at the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz. This place is an amusement park about 300 feet from the beach and was also the first time I've ever been there.

The little girl was very stoked to get the opportunity to ride the roller coasters at this place. There's a famous wooden coaster, aptly named the 'Giant Dipper'which was the first one we rode that day. Normally, I would be too excited to pay attention to anything else other than the ride, but I watched her face the entire time. She had that look somewhere in between sheer thrill and terror, but she kept her eyes open the whole time. I will forever remember the look she had when we finished the ride~truly gleeful. The next rollercoaster was probably a step up on the entertainment scale and she seemed to like it better than the last. This is the first time she's been tall enough to go on a true roller coaster and I'm really happy I got to be there for it. Fucking great times...I was totally on cloud 9.

I'm going to have to take the boy there sometime because I know he loves the thrill rides too. I'll have to wait a few weeks to take him, but I'm sure he'll be very well entertained while at his Grandparents house next weekend.

Whenever I can find someone that had a working camera, I'll share some pics of my adventures in the woods. Hope you all had a nice weekend as well!


Blogger ArtfullyDodging said...

I remember going on the Big Dipper when I was little and it scared the crap out of me because it was so rickety and well, old. Lots of fun though. Do they still have the pirate ship out there? That one was fun, but I don't think it went upside down like the one at Paramount does.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Tobiwan said...

Arrrr, there be a pirate ship still afoot at the park.

They have a few that looked like they went completely upside down~ those scare the hell out of me, but still good fun.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Vi said...

So glad to here you had a fantastic time Toby! Glad to hear you so happy! I'm taking the kids to Alton Towers, biggest theme park in England, in the summer hols and can't wait!

2:05 PM  

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