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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's about freaking time!!

Well, the day has finally come where the people I interviewed with (several weeks ago) called me back. All I can say is that I'm still very excited about this opportunity. When I spoke with the rep, I couldn't contain my enthusiasm and thanked her profusely for the callback. In retrospect, I hope I didn't sound desperate! Oh well, the interview is still on as of July 30th.

In the mean time...

Some unfortunate events have occurred recently. Rather than wait around for them to fire me (for my poor performance here in sales), I chose to end my employment with the company i've been with for the last 7 years. While I should be very worried that I'm currently unemployed, I feel good about this decision. The feeling of relief is overwelming, so I think this is a good reminder how much I disliked my Sales Position. Looking say that I disliked it would be a severe understatement.

My last day was on July 15th and since then, I've been giving everyone under the sun my updated resume. By all rights, I should be very nervous about this situation, but I'm not. I'm looking forward to something else that I can dig my teeth into and call a career once again. Anyway, don't worry about me, I have the situation under control(mostly).

Tomorrow, I return from San Diego to once again renew my search for employment. Wish me luck!


Blogger Trixie said...

Good on ya for quitting! I always find you tend to look harder for work when you haven't got a job! Best way to do it. Good luck!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Dora said...

Just wanted to wish you the very best of luck in finding a new job.
I just went through the same thing and was very lucky to find something I really wanted and with a lovely pay raise. It took me 1 month, and even though I was going through placement agencies and had lots of interviews, it just happened this job opened up in the same comany my friend works in. Hope it comes about quickly for you too!

10:16 AM  

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