Blogus Ignoramus

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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

After the Hiatus
I'm still unemployed and now reached the threshold of wanting to go back to work. It's true I felt this way about a month ago, but I've been so busy feeling sorry for myself, it's hard to find the motivation to talk about it out-loud.

Fortunately, I have a cool roommate that is also unemployed and we find some common ground every once in a while. To say we have common ground is an inside joke, because we're pretty much opposites. Still, the advantage is that I get a sounding board that isn't afraid to bitchslap me with reality when I need it.

Something I've noticed about myself is that I now tend to listen more than I talk. Could it be that I'm bored with talking about myself? I thought that I was just exhausted with explaining how my life is still stuck in neutral. Maybe that's closer to the truth.

A few weekends ago, I went on a pretty serious bender in San Francisco. By 'bender', I mean the one weekend out of 52 that I throw caution to the wind and let the cards fall where they may. The good news is that I made it home safely, albeit poorer than when I left. The bad news is that I'm still unemployed and single. It's not like I took any steps back though, so umm, not a loss? I'll take it.