Blogus Ignoramus

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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I haven't felt this excited about it since I created my first aimname. I still have the same one since I initially signed up and don't see any reason for changing it. Recently, I created a twitter account since 140 characters is usually enough for me to say what's on my mind. You could say I'm one of those people that just says random shit. I'm not doing it for attention, but attention wouldn't be turned away.

Being anonymous again, however has made me realize how much I have to filter out to the general public. If you care to see the unfiltered Toby, let me know and I'll share the lurve.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Slab of Meat
Oh juicy representation of everything vegans despise, you are my Alpha and my Omega. Your tenderness savored through every movement of my mandible. Has it been so long since we hooked up to grill something together?

These were the thoughts going through my brain last night while I enjoyed my Happy Father's Day RibEye steak. It was good enough to blog about, seriously.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Breaking up with you...
is hard to do, but I know it had to be done. I started to feel bitter because I would spend all of this energy on staying in touch with you and yet you still never initiated contact with me. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how much of a doormat I was in my younger days. You know, or maybe you don't care? Either way, it's done...we're through and I actually feel pretty good about it.

Do you remember the last time we talked...oh, 3 months ago? I mentioned a BBQ with some friends in the coming months. You acknowledged this, but I knew deep inside of me, that you were just blowing me off again. At this point, it's my fault for believing you wanted to be my friend. You never once reinforced our friendship, so you have always been the one being pursued.

This whole pursuing process really gets on my nerves. I mean, this really makes me question if I'm so annoying that people just want to let me spin my fucking wheels on nothing? I try to be patient with people, but if it takes this much effort to be friends, I'm giving up before I get hurt again.

Why is it so hard to be friends with people? Should it really take this much energy with nothing in return? I don't fucking think so! I'm wasting my time with people who don't deserve my affection and I am done.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Finally A Post That Doesn't Sound Whiny
Like the title says, I promise that nothing about this post will sound like my whiny, poor-me-bitch, pity-party previous posts. Now say that last part 100 times or until you get bored...or not.

After 3 months of agonizing joblessness, I finally have something. [Insert-something-awesome-here] It's temporary, and the pay is crap, but I think this is definitely something for me to shoot milk out of my nose about.

Sad to say that a job is what I need to feel like I'm contributing something...maybe I'll find some way to have my ultimate dream of doing nothing. In the mean time, fuck yeah, go me!