Blogus Ignoramus

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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First day of School

Today, my kiddies are going to their first day of school. I'm delighted to say that they're visibly looking forward to going back. It could just be that they're tired of being bored.

I have one 6th grader and a 4th grader...I still can't believe my babies are this far along. Of course, I didn't think they were going to be stuck in kindergarden forever, but I was hoping the time wouldn't be flying by as it does.

As a surprise to me, my little girl had her hair cut in a new style. She has a 'Bob' style haircut with her wisps slightly longer than the rest of her hair. It looks so goddam beautiful on her, I want to just squeeze her silly. The haircut serves another purpose besides looks. For the longest time, we couldn't get her to brush her hair by herself, so her mother decides to let her learn by experience. Thankfully, little girl gave into our pleas of asking her to get her hair cut into something more 'easily maintained'.

I can see her face and don't have to look at the unkempt wad of hair mass on the back of her head~life is good for now.

Last week, for their School's Orientation, I was priveledged to walk around their Schools (they're going to separate schools for now) and check out the new facilities. Very nice from what i've seen so far. I didn't get to do this last year, so I wasn't at all upset I had to take off work for these events. It also didn't hurt (much) to look at all the MILFs that were also there for the Orientation.

I'm so excited for my children. Starting a new school year at completely new schools. It makes me smile thinking about when I was going through the same steps when I was their ages. I have faith that they'll make new friends and enjoy what their new classes bring.

Good times.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Yes, that's me...

in your rearview mirror, laughing and pointing at you. Yes, you...the nerd in the Green Subaru. Honestly, I have nothing better to do other than shifting between gear1 and gear 2 while we're all imprisoned in the same freeway jail.

Seriously dude, I've watched you change lanes 10 times in the last .25 miles. I know you saw me mocking you the first time you switched lanes to get around me and then found yourself 2 cars behind me. I am, however, very impressed that you didn't honor me the one fingered salute in response to my laughing and pointing. Likely, I would be upset if I saw someone laughing at me for doing something like this. Not that I would ever waste my time changing lanes when we're travelling 15 miles per hour on a busy highway.

You seem to think this is getting you somewhere, but I've got other news for you...It's all an illusion.

Thank you, that is all.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Happy being Single

For the first time in a very long time, it occurred to me that I'm happy being without a significant other. I can't really tell when I reached this stage, but I know it's been a recent realization. In the mean time, I am still enjoying the scenery provided by the mild summer weather. I have my fingers crossed that we'll continue with this fucktasticly good weather.

Also recently, I have been contacted by some noteworthy people on Myspace. Yes, I still spend a little time looking for old friends and maybe some new ones. Specifically, a few girlies from High School contacted me. It's nice to see how they've turned out after almost no communication with them in the last decade. One was a girl that I was way attracted to, but I honestly didn't think she knew I existed. It really doesn't take much these days, but I felt really pleased that she would contact me out of nowhere. How the hell did I miss out on all of these lovely girls in High School? Oh yeah~I was an ignorant I'm just an ignorant man.

Moving on...

My reading binge is still in full effect lately. I'm surprised how much this improves my 'on demand' vocabulary when I speak and write. I just started on a freaking huge series of books, so it looks like I'll be well occupied for quite a few weeks now. I'm currently on the first book, 'Wizards First Rule', by Terry Goodkind. Damned good so far, and I've already lost a few days worth of sleep on it so far.

This will be the first weekend in a few months that I wont have my kiddies around, so I'm looking forward to sleeping in and feeding my brain. I might even visit some friends I haven't seen in a while (as a result of my Hermitism). *shrugs* The bottom line is that I don't have to entertain anyone else but myself. So nice to do that once in a while.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Now if I can only get through the remaining 6 hours of this fucking shift! >< ><