Blogus Ignoramus

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Location: San Leandro, California, United States

I've spent hours trying to write 'about me' so I just gave up and you'll have to figure this out for yourself. Thanks for stopping in anyway!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pulling out the thorn
You all know I love to use analogies and not just because it has 'anal' in it. It's great for describing something generally without actually spelling it out*. I don't like to censor myself, but it has to be done. There's really some things that are best left in the confines of our skulls.

Like all things stored in our skulls, there are times when something just has to come out. I mention this because I just got something off my chest and I'm now enjoying the high of 'letting it go'. I often have a hard time doing that; just letting go. In this case, my relief comes in the form of telling a woman how madly in crazy crush I was with her during our Jr. High years. It surprised me how good it felt to let her know that I was too freaked out and stupid to even talk to her at the time. When she asked why I didn't tell her, of course my response was that I was a stupid kid and fearful of rejection. I felt further relief when she told me that I wouldn't have been rejected. Win for me albeit 20 years late!

We talked for a few hours today via chat and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a big stupid grin on my face while I write this. I even got to tell her that I was in love with her legs (which surprised her because she thinks they're a curse or something). No...I really was quite obsessed with her delicious shapely legs.

For those of you that don't know me well enough, I am a leg guy. I blame all the Soccer girls that would come to my house (because I have a twin sis, yo) quite often. Girls have sleep-overs and well...twin brothers develop fetishes like being hopelessly attracted to women with lovely, yummy, strong legs. I have always loved looking at athletic women because they have what I think are perfect legs. Strong thighs, thick calves, and the more significant the bulk, the more I want to worship them. Her legs were like that and a whole fucking factory of chips. They were a great combination of thick thighs/calves narrowed to a perfect ankle/foot. Forgive me for continuing to praise them, but you have to understand the impact she had on my poor hormones. I dreamed of a day when I could touch them and I'm sure spent a lot of time daydreaming about them during our mutual classes. To say I was totally obsessed would be a gross understatement.

It just so happened that she was smart too and you know how I feel about girls like that. They make me all gooey and fucking stupid.

So, after I finished talking to her, I floated over to this blog to tell you all how awesome I feel. All floaty and nostalgic. Yup, still floating. Now I'm going to eat some Mexican food.

* Not Anal

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 7 of being unemployed
The shock has finally wore off and I also recently discovered that I have an indecipherable signature. Yes, my handwriting is atrocious, but can you blame me? The reason I bring this up is because I am contemplating lending in a hand at my Son's School. I should go and find a place to practice my handwriting because, yes, even having the big awesome Internet at my fingertips isn't keeping me entertained well enough (lately).

With my life completely thrown back into 'unscheduled' mode, I'm keeping odd hours and some bad habits that I definitely need to cease before they get out of control. It's funny how being idle makes you push the proverbial envelope of sanity.

A good analogy right now would be that I'm stranded on an island. Every once in a while, I get a message-in-a-bottle of which I interact with the outside world. I still need to build a fucking boat because frankly, I'm getting tired of my seaweed/seafood/insect diet. My mental state is 'holding' which means that I'm still considering my options. Fortunately, in this analogy, I have a good deal of music to further reinforce my resolve.

Twittering seems to be a whole untapped spring of bitchin awesomeness. If I could somehow filter all the txt lngo i wud b gud 2 go
*. That was even painful to write! I have a serious neurosis** and can't do anything but analyze why it bugs me to read/write txt talk. But I digress. There's a feature that allows you to view others with Twitter in your geographic on a map. It's a stalkers wet-dream come true and I really enjoy being the fly-on-the-wall. Maybe a little too much.

*"Texting Lingo, I would be good to go"
**It's seriously hard for me to read and causes me some mental pain when reading it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Now on Twitter!
As if you didn't already get enough of me, follow tobitwit in his search for meaning in his currently neutral life.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Danger: High Voltage
I have more to talk about than just a song stuck in my head. It's not great news, but news none-the-less.

Yours truly is now unemployed. I saw it coming, just didn't know when it was going to happen.

When my boss called me into an unoccupied conference room, I pretty much knew what was going down. I sensed something of a change in my management a few months ago. One was kind enough to tip me off that they knew I was seeking alternative employment. They knew, I knew, so I had no argument. I went quietly with my sparse belongings in tow, head hanging at half-mast.

All I had to say was 'thanks'. Seriously...I'm glad it happened because I didn't want it anymore. I held on with minimal enthusiasm, and frankly, lying about my dedication wasn't easy on my conscience. I don't like being dishonest, even when I've already justified doing it.

I'll admit that I lost this job months ago simply because I didn't comply with my management's direction (in specific circumstances). Across the board, I believe I gave my customers acceptable service. And I can walk away knowing a few of them will wince knowing that I have moved on (or so I tell myself) to greener pastures.

At best, the vengeful side of me is hopeful that my absence will severely inconvenience them until they can find a (worthy) replacement.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

I might just OD...
on Music. Yes, if it's possible, I feel like I'm reaching some kind of threshold that you get when your brain doesn't shut off unless you get some. A sort of frenzy where I can't seem to get enough of it. Insatiably, utterly frenzious.

Some mutual *lovers of music turned me onto a few websites that have fulfilled and fueled this ravenous behavior. I'll share because, dammit, it'd be a sin not to!

Grooveshark - Playlist creator - pretty robust selection of music and great if you already know what you want to hear. The controls aren't all that user friendly, but I managed to beat my head against it enough to queue up a few days worth of music. **Lovin it!

Pandora - Internet Music - I'm a slobbering addict of this site, so forgive the extra praise I give this site. The nifty feature of this site is the unique ability to analyze the music you listen to and suggest/play music it thinks you might like. Some other features I like:
  • Interesting story profiles of various albums, artists, etc.
  • Generous playlist (I don't hear very many repeats unless I flag that 'I love it')
  • Fairly user friendly
  • Inexpensive subscription fee - normally, I'd be stingey about a 'fee', but this isn't too bad ($36usd) for a whole year.
LastFM - Internet Music - A little like Pandora, but based overseas. So far, I like this site and if I were to directly compare it up to Pandora, LastFM seems to have a tad better library (atleast with music I like to listen to. I haven't found anything in particular I don't like, so we'll stick to the pros:
  • This site is pretty nice site, and FREE is always good, no?
  • Exceptional library
  • User friendly interface
This is clearly some form of promotion although I like to think of it as promoting the appreciation of Music. Enjoy!

* - the leg-humping variety
** - more leg-humping, but significantly more ferocious