Middle of the Week
I've often wondered why they call Wednesday 'Hump Day'. Sure it's called that because it's traditionally the 'middle of the week' whereas the uphill battle for the weekend suddenly takes a downward change in velocity. Why 'Hump' though?
Let's review the verbage, shall we?
- Humping [Verb] is what people do when they get horny and can't get their clothes off fast enough. 'Dear santa, I want more humping this year please and thank you.'
- Hump [Noun] is what camels have (other than toes). Also known as a bulge protruding from some planar surface. 'The Hump of a Camel is far more apparent than it's toe'
- Humpty Dumpty [Nursery rhyme] sat on a wall....
- Hump Day [Noun] - Otherwise known as the middle of the Week (Wednesday). 'Their Potluck was scheduled to take place on the 3rd Humpday of every month much to the chagrin of the Male employees'.
Surely they could've come up with a better definition for the middle of the week without sounding dirty about it. Although I would gladly partake in some humping with various women I know, I feel like doing this all the time rather than just the middle of the week.
Remember Much?
Lately, I have been very disappointed with how my body is reacting to the smoke. To fill you in on my background a little, I have been almost a daily user of Pot for well over 5 years now. I've attempted many times to justify why I feel the need to smoke it a few times a day, but I'll humor you all one last time.
Until recently, I enjoyed the luxury of being able to forget about my problems in a way that I could initialize. Rather than face my problems, I could just burn some bud and focus on the things I felt were important to me. While I'm slowly seeing the downfall of this frame of thinking, my denial is holding quite firm to the theory that 'pot helps me unwind after a hard day at work'. Although my job can be mentally draining, there are issues that are far more important than my job.
Why the jolt of honesty? Reality seems to be chomping at my heels lately. Many things I've been ignoring for years are beginning to come to the front of my thinking. Primarily, I'm tired of running from things I should be resolving or should've resolved months, days, and years ago. My logic is that nobody in their right mind would want to be with me when I can't deal with things 'normal' people do without even thinking about it. Then again, I'm far from 'normal', aren't I? And most importantly, what will it take for me to face my to-do list without chickening out?
The things on my 'to-do' list are quite daunting to say the least. It sits accumulating more things I need to do and I'm not even adding amusing things to it (to make it more pallable).
Imma Quitter
Besides Pot, my health/wealth wont ever improve without some form of personal intervention. To surrogate my weed habit, I have taken up drinking to continue trying to forget my problems. This is obviously not the right path to choose if I want to grow old with my kids. If I can't do this for them, I need to at least do it for myself.
Even though I don't wish to quit smoking pot, I need to break myself from wanting to do it every day. It's not like masturbating...my brain doesn't lose focus from doing it...in fact, I always gain clarity after I rub one off. I don't know if I could break myself from that habit...not even if my life depended on it (would life even be worth living if I couldn't wank?).
Anyway, work is still managing to rape and pillage my ability to do anything fun short of peeking in on my fave blogs I enjoy reading. If that's not bad enough, when I get home, I have no desire to interact with my computer...what kind of nerd am I? Oh yeah, the not getting laid kind! I wonder what that waitress is doing tonight...hmmmm.
I've often wondered why they call Wednesday 'Hump Day'. Sure it's called that because it's traditionally the 'middle of the week' whereas the uphill battle for the weekend suddenly takes a downward change in velocity. Why 'Hump' though?
Let's review the verbage, shall we?
- Humping [Verb] is what people do when they get horny and can't get their clothes off fast enough. 'Dear santa, I want more humping this year please and thank you.'
- Hump [Noun] is what camels have (other than toes). Also known as a bulge protruding from some planar surface. 'The Hump of a Camel is far more apparent than it's toe'
- Humpty Dumpty [Nursery rhyme] sat on a wall....
- Hump Day [Noun] - Otherwise known as the middle of the Week (Wednesday). 'Their Potluck was scheduled to take place on the 3rd Humpday of every month much to the chagrin of the Male employees'.
Surely they could've come up with a better definition for the middle of the week without sounding dirty about it. Although I would gladly partake in some humping with various women I know, I feel like doing this all the time rather than just the middle of the week.
Remember Much?
Lately, I have been very disappointed with how my body is reacting to the smoke. To fill you in on my background a little, I have been almost a daily user of Pot for well over 5 years now. I've attempted many times to justify why I feel the need to smoke it a few times a day, but I'll humor you all one last time.
Until recently, I enjoyed the luxury of being able to forget about my problems in a way that I could initialize. Rather than face my problems, I could just burn some bud and focus on the things I felt were important to me. While I'm slowly seeing the downfall of this frame of thinking, my denial is holding quite firm to the theory that 'pot helps me unwind after a hard day at work'. Although my job can be mentally draining, there are issues that are far more important than my job.
Why the jolt of honesty? Reality seems to be chomping at my heels lately. Many things I've been ignoring for years are beginning to come to the front of my thinking. Primarily, I'm tired of running from things I should be resolving or should've resolved months, days, and years ago. My logic is that nobody in their right mind would want to be with me when I can't deal with things 'normal' people do without even thinking about it. Then again, I'm far from 'normal', aren't I? And most importantly, what will it take for me to face my to-do list without chickening out?
The things on my 'to-do' list are quite daunting to say the least. It sits accumulating more things I need to do and I'm not even adding amusing things to it (to make it more pallable).
Imma Quitter
Besides Pot, my health/wealth wont ever improve without some form of personal intervention. To surrogate my weed habit, I have taken up drinking to continue trying to forget my problems. This is obviously not the right path to choose if I want to grow old with my kids. If I can't do this for them, I need to at least do it for myself.
Even though I don't wish to quit smoking pot, I need to break myself from wanting to do it every day. It's not like masturbating...my brain doesn't lose focus from doing it...in fact, I always gain clarity after I rub one off. I don't know if I could break myself from that habit...not even if my life depended on it (would life even be worth living if I couldn't wank?).
Anyway, work is still managing to rape and pillage my ability to do anything fun short of peeking in on my fave blogs I enjoy reading. If that's not bad enough, when I get home, I have no desire to interact with my computer...what kind of nerd am I? Oh yeah, the not getting laid kind! I wonder what that waitress is doing tonight...hmmmm.