Mostly Successful BBQThe BBQ turned out pretty good. This oceanic trout (steelhead I think) tastes a lot like salmon...almost the same color too. Most importantly, it's edible! Methinks i'll have to explore other fish in the sea/rivers/lakes at a sooner date than last.
It's been a while since I last cooked fish. It's normally not in my diet, but I figured I could give it a try since I'm branching out for my proteins. So far, this makes probably the 4th time i've attempted fish. The first time was a great learning experience for me. Dipshit-me placed the filets directly on the grill~which seemed like a great idea at the time. It was only later when I first tried to turn the filets over that I saw my great lack of foresight. The filet pieces just fell apart when I tried to move them and the bottoms were stuck to the grill as well. Another factor was that I had never cooked fish prior to that day. Needless to say, I found that the salvageable meat was not easy to eat, probably because of what I chose (Catfish, I think)...oh well, I learned some valuable information for my next attempt.
Why I'm talking about former attempts at cooking fish, I'll never know, I'm just running with it.
The next attempt was Shark steaks. Those really turned out better than I thought other than I think I may have cooked them for too long. I even tricked my kids into eating some of it because it looked a lot like the chicken I was cooking along-side it. *snicker* It took them a few more bbqs to trust me when I offered them charred meat without telling them what it is.
"Hey dad, what's this?" The boy says pointing to the sliced steak on his plate. He squinted his eyes suspiciously at me, "Is this Shark?" The girl joins him in a speculative stance.
I try to contain my Impish grin, but they see right through it. I giggle only a little bit before telling them, "I don't think so...why? Don't you trust me?" *snickers again* is it wrong to enjoy fucking with your kids like this? I would think it makes them sharp, or at least I hope so I can justify doing it again.
Mostly what I cook for them they eat as long as it isn't too exotic. I think the Shark was just something so out of the ordinary for their little minds to comprehend, but I also believe they've grown up enough to know that I usually have their palates in mind when I offer them something new. It's very interesting to see how their taste for foods develops...I'm a big nerd for finding this fascinating, but I don't care, they're my kids, they're also the most amazing thing ever to happen to me.
It will be interesting to see how they react when they come over this weekend and I have no chips (ahem, crisps) or other junky foods for them to eat. They now have a choice of veggies, fruits, and good ol' string cheese.
Back to disciplineYeah, there's that word again. I have been fighting off the words to express how much I need it right now. As usual, I mean this in a few different ways, one being sexual, and the other literal interpretation. It seems that the older I get, the more deviant things I find appealing. For example, 5 years ago, I would've never thought I'd like the idea of being tied to a chair, blindfolded, tortured, and fucked silly. Now, it's the one image I can't purge from my mind. Is the freak in me pounding at the walls to get out again? I have not felt any submissive tendencies in the past, but as I delve more into the meaning of being dominant, I see the need to see both sides of it to truly understand it.
There's a lot of mixed thoughts I have about sharing this particular part of my sexual appetite with the world, and I might share later when I stop worrying if this makes me a masochist by definition. Anyway, I need sex, or at least some serious physical interaction with the female gender involving fluid exchange.
One last observation before I pound the final nail into this proverbial coffin (thread)...I find great amusement in that my physiological desires could motivate me to turn my life around. Leave it to instincts to lead me in the right direction, even if it is associated with procreation.