Yo-Yo IntoleranceI write this while I have $50+ yo-yo's wizzing by my head...all in the attempts to disrupt my very important time sink known as 'my blog'. Yes, a handful of my coworkers have invested money in an ever-growing fad (that I'll never understand why exists).
I'm sure some of them are extremely talented at making it go in a variety of directions including 'Up and down', 'In your face', 'Behind your back', etc. Good game motherfuckers!
Boys and their ToysThe environment I work in is quite unique, and it never fails to amaze me what sort of things the techs (myself included) use to occupy themselves from the madness of providing over-the-phone support to a mish-mash of individuals.
If you stick around for a few minutes, you'll likely see one of the Techs wiz by on a foot-driven razor scooter. Our management team hasn't really addressed this directly, so I can only assume that this is acceptable office behavior. Did I say 'office'? Well, on the outside, it looks like one...thank gawd for tinted glass!
Above my desk, I have my much needed 'anger mitigation' devices;
- My VooDoo Doll Revenge Book - Includes manual, 7 pins, and a VooDoo Doll
- My 'stabbing' fork given to me by my son because I 'bring home the bacon'
- My Rubber chicken in case I wanna throw something
- My Globe shaped piggy bank with the obligatory 'Tips' post-it on the front.
Also in my immediate area;
- My horribly stained coffee mug which I use to consume mass quantities of Lipton Tea
- Various pictures of my spawn and my siblings' spawn
- A tiny bottle of Tobasco Sauce from a standard military ration compliments of my Cousin
- Several rocks of assorted color/shape/size including a really cool Fossil
- My Magic 8-ball for when the right answers aren't coming to me fast enough
There's other things around here, but I don't want to bore you with Technical details. I think you get the idea how cool of an environment it is to work in~odd that I take it for granted once in a while.
Other Techs have a variety of things to keep them occupied on or near their desks:
- The Anarchist's Cookbook - No explanation needed here...let's just say he's a 'radical' with social anxiety issues, but only when he's out of his meds
- Legos are definitely the most popular Toys in the office besides the fucking Yo-Yo's
- Nerf weaponry is still around, but that shit's like so 2004
- Various signs of 'Secret Nerd Protest' hanging on their cubicles (IE. The pic of Virginia near my desk).
- A variety of Gaming magazines and Comic books - It promotes proper bowel movements
For the most part, I really don't mind getting up at 5am every day to come here. Atleast they've (Management) made an effort to compromise with us to maintain a casual work environment. The dress code rocks too! I can't wait for this fucking rain to stop so I can wear my shorts and sandals.
That's all for now, I think I might try to get some work done today or until I find something else to distract me.