Have you just wanted to sit on a swing with your kids and stay there for a while? One great perk to being a parent is the fact that nobody gives you any funny looks while you re-live your childhood. Sure I let other kids have a go on the swings if anyone's waiting, otherwise, I'm usually along side my kids for the ride.
A few weeks ago, my children both had 'Open House' at their school on the same night. That evening, I met with both of their instructors. They were very anxious to tell me what great kids I have, which is always great to hear. I know they're not perfect, but they make me proud when I see how much they've accomplished so far in their educations.
Here's where I'm going to gloat for a short time, feel free to skim over it if children don't interest you. I recognize how fortunate I am to have kids that are happy and healthy. They're good people and it's not just because I'm their father. One day they will know how much I care for them and how fun it will be to see them become adults.
I can't wait to see them again tomorrow. It's my weekend with the boy since the girl is sick and also obligated to work on her halloween costume. This year, she's decided to be a Cheetah, 'The fastest land animal on the Earth', as she informs me. To screw with her, I asked her what the fastest land animal in the Universe was. She rolled her eyes at me and giggled, apparently she didn't feel that an answer was necessary. *laughs* Where does she get that from? (the eye rolling part!). The boy is going to be a 'Knight' this year. Hopefully he doesn't try to stab anyone with his plastic sword (again).
They're going to trick-or-treat in my neighborhood this year (as always), which will be nice because it's relatively safe and creep free (as far as I can tell). Isn't Halloween an ideal way to meet your neighbors? Normally, I don't care to know any of them, but there's this really cute mama that lives down the street I'd like to meet. October's one of my favorite months, I'd say...good things happen to me this month historically speaking.
That's all for the time being, hopefully you're all having a nice thursday.
And by the way...how come none of you are showing me HNT pics of your pinstripe pants? What gives? What's a guy gotta do to get you ladies showing me your uhm...fashion statements?